Montag, Februar 27, 2006

Inaugural Post

I am creating this blog to explore and experiment. I want it to be about more than my thoughts and experiences. If nothing else it will allow those that care to keep tabs on my transient life as a soldier. In any case if it does not add to the Kingdom of God then I'll chop it off and try to use my time and energy in other more fruitful ways.

Where to begin? At the beginning I suppose. It just so happened that a blizzard blew into town about the time I was born... no. I won't go that far back. But in case you've missed the last few months of my life here is a quick synopsis: Through the Army, God has brought me to Georgia to go through several schools. The Army's aim: preparing me to "victoriously lead men in combat." Sounds good right? Thus far I've gone through the Infantry Officer Basic Course and Airborne School. Next up is Ranger School. For the last month or so I've actually done very little as far as work goes for the Army. Waiting on Ranger School involves lots and lots of waiting. But God's purpose has proven much bigger. Instead of merely leading men in combat, God has brought me here to train me how to, first, intentionally pursue Him, and second, how to help others to pursue Him in like manner. It has been a great experience and to steal the line from one of the men helping me (whose website I recommend checking out) "I feel like I'm drinking out of a firehose" (Wood, Chaplain Chuck. Many Sundry Occasions). I anticipate that most of my posts will involve this ministry God has brought me into and so will hopefully bring more clarity to what my training in both the Army and in the pursuit of the Father is entailing.

I think I'll end my Inaugural Post here.


Blogger Abigail... said...


: that was me getting excited about you getting a blog...seriously. I'm excited....or at least excited as I CAN get at 11:13pm after being significantly drugged by allergy meds.
still...I'm excited.

12:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonym said...

Yea!! i am abbey's aunty d and i am so glad that you have a blog. please know that i will be reading and commenting. that also means that your ministry will be in my prayers!

4:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonym said...

I'm a friend of Abbey's (apparently only an "internet friend") and I just wanted to say that played an important part of my spiritual development as well. I still have aspirations of becoming an Army Chaplain which isn't out of the picture just yet. Just thought I'd say hi. The Army certainly can use a lot more officers like yourself.

11:12 PM  
Blogger RC said...

I love blogs :-) I started mine months's a little less personal and more about personal amusement...but I'm excited to keep in touch this way.

-Ryan E.

9:21 AM  

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