Donnerstag, September 07, 2006

A few lessons learned

Some things I've learned or experienced this year:

1) Being disciplined is obtainable
2) Mistakes are easily made and looking like an idiot is hard to avoid
3) I need to live with people or I self-destruct much, much quicker
4) God doesn't always give you what you want, though you think what you want will glorify Him
5) What discipleship looks like
6) Most times, what God calls us to is easy, being obedient is the hard part
7) Obedience to God almost always involves being inconvenienced
8) Look for the hungry and pray the satisfied grow hungry
9) Life must be lived intentionally or it will wasted
10) Self-deprecation is just another version of pride
11) I have a LOT to learn
12) Although God is in many ways mysterious, conveying truth to others about Him doesn't have to be


Blogger Abigail... said...

personally, I liked lessons 2,6,8, 10,11, and 12

and I am happy to say that I learned that 3 ISNT true for me...though I do have to have someone to be accountable to...which is lucky since living alone was not avoidable.

7:59 PM  
Blogger RC said...

looks like a good year, regardless of what frusterations where experienced, it looks like you learned more in a year then some people could hope to learn in a life time.


11:14 PM  

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