Mittwoch, August 23, 2006

"...alles auf dem Weg..."

I'm waiting to leave Fort Benning. I'm bound for new thinks. To me that is. (I just misspelled "things" as "thinks." Ironic really. I will undoubtedly be stretched to new limits in variety of ways in whatever awaits me in the future.)

At any rate... Just doing a bit of a mind dump. Hmmm...

My brother Josh is visiting me here as I am... awaiting... attempting... to finish up my time here. It is good to have him around. Good to be friends with your brothers. More than good, it is one of the greatest blessings a man can experience.

One thing that is a part of the military is planning. Anything that the Army does has a purpose and a plan to accomplish that purpose. In the same manner Followers of Christ have a purpose. A goal. A desired and commanded endstate for us to achieve. Christ-likeness. Intimacy with God. The making of Disciples of Christ unto the ends of the Earth (and all the implied... tasks... associated with that)(oh, and I am careful to use the word that Jesus used: disciple, not merely believer). The root of disciple being "discipline." For one to be disciplined means one needs a plan. You don't become disciplined in an area of your life just because you whimsically desire it to be so in a vague sense. You must formulate actions to take to achieve what it is you are trying to accomplish.

I'm sure these ramblings are boring to anyone reading. They are to me, too. Just felt like stating this to myself really, not so much to anyone else.

I think what I'm getting at is... the line from Shawshanke Redemption hits pretty close: "Get busy livin', or get busy dyin'." Or even better: "From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and violent men take it by force." - Matthew 11.12

Violence of action. Aggression. Focused aggression towards stockpiling eternal treasures. Nuts and bolts: make a plan and follow through. Fellowship with those who will uphold you/me to that plan: essential. Okay, enough with that.

Brett, out.

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Montag, August 14, 2006

Thank you, come again.

I suppose I'm a bit tardy in posting. I've been "free" for almost two weeks now, I think. Well, for those who haven't heard or did not receive an email from me concerning the goings on of my life, I'm... done... with Ranger School... for a little while anyway.

It seems that God didn't see things my way. Despite my efforts - whether they were my best efforts or perhaps my efforts in the 90 percentile range (can you ever say there wasn't something more you could have done?)- I failed Ranger School. I won't bore you with the details, but essentially... some people didn't think my leadership was up to par, so to speak. Then other folks thought I'd had enough opportunities to prove myself and ought to move on.

Thanks for playing. Come again.

Four months. Down the drain? Well, no. I wouldn't say that. If nothing else, four months in Ranger School gives you lots of fun stories to tell. Well, I guess really, they are best shared with others who have been there, too, but I suppose some would be amusing to anyone.

But more importantly, hopefully I learned a thing or two, particularly about my relationship with the Father. And hopefully I was able to show Christ's love to some men. And of course, who knows what greater things God did that I was or am at least as of yet oblivious to.

I am thankful for all the experiences. If folks are interested I suppose I can supply some more details about them. Though it would be best not to say too much more in the way of details on a blog. Not that I would be giving away any information that is too... important or hard to come by, for anyone who isn't friendly to the U.S. But the Army is understandably careful about these things. So perhaps I'll save my stories for when I see you in person. Sorry.

Thank you for all your prayers. God heard and answered them. And those he didn't answer... I believe He is merely leaving to fulfill another day.

Bis naechste mal.