Sonntag, Februar 11, 2007


It has been a while since I have posted. But I'm planning on sending a mass email to update folks. So I'll try to avoid that here. If you haven't ever had the pleasure of one of my mass emails and would like to get one, please just let me know and I can hook you up!

So then, what to say on this here blog.

Well, see this is the problem. I am not very creative with these post things. I need help generally.

So what do you want to hear?

Well, how about this:

I've been thinking about leadership lately. How do I become a man that will inspire and challenge and encourage and set the example for the men that follow me? How do become someone that other men want to follow? What do I want to achieve? What kind of mark do want to leave on the men that I come in contact with? Do I want them to like me, to love me, to hate me, to respect me, to fear me?

Well, I'm not sure about all this leadership stuff, but here is what I do know. I want to influence men. I want to show other men who Jesus is and what He looks and lives like. They don't have to be my friend, though I hope they will be. They don't have to think I'm funny or tough or scarey. But I think they do need to know that I will not be cowed by anything or intimidated or frightened by anything that this world has to offer. That as a man of God, as a servant of the Most High, I fear nothing. That I do not live for myself. That my life is of little consequence to me in light of the eternal value and surpassing joy of knowing and serving Christ.

I want to impact these men or war by the power of the Spirit of God who made all things and to whom all things have been given. I pray that I be a willing and obedient and dynamic conduit of the Ancient of Days into the lives of these men who I call brothers and who I pray have hungry hearts that long after the Living Water.

I'm looking forward to reading a book called Spiritual Leadership by a guy named J. Oswald Sanders. I'll let you know what I find out.


Anonymous Anonym said...

I would like to receive a mass email from you!

4:15 PM  
Blogger aggierudy3 said...

So sad, but the only picture I have in my head of a chaplain is Captain Malcahy on MASH. So, I have to think about missionaries instead. At his death, William Carey said, "You have been speaking of William Carey, after this, speak only of William Carey's Savior." I think a good leader leads in such a way that everything he does is readily credited to God.

Have you heard of Operation Reveille? I was wondering what insiders thought of their ministry.

11:13 AM  

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