Freitag, Dezember 08, 2006

Forget my ugly mug and pray for this Wonderous Woman

So I think that Abigail is definitely much more enjoyable to behold and since she may be the only one to even read this thing, hey, here's flattering you, babe.

Furthermore, and much more important that ogling MY GIRLFRIEND, (got it? (don't forget I get paid to blow stuff up!)) please, please, PLEASE, pray for her. She is having surgery in 3 days. If you are interested learning more about her and her surgery you can visit Abigail's blog. Oh, and if it is you, Abigail, reading this, don't forget to pray for yourself! Just in case you forgot. And if you're only reading this because you wanderd onto my blog from Abigail's, well, then thanks for visiting, guess you're not getting much variety in the way of blog subject matter.

But seriously, please pray for her and the surgery. Praise be to Christ, the One who is Faithful and True! Praise be to God, whose authority is complete. Praise be to Jesus, whose love for us is finished, complete, unconditional. Praise be to our Heavenly Father who not only loves us, but really, truly, stunningly LIKES us!

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